Frequently Asked Questions

Simply complete the online submission process, found on this website or mail-in the official rebate form with all required materials to the address listed on the official rebate form. Please keep a copy of all submitted materials for your records.
Please allow up to 10 weeks for the delivery of your rebate after mailing or submitting your request online.
If you completed your submission online and uploaded your receipt(s), nothing further is needed. If you are mailing in your submission, the mail-to address is included on the official rebate form. Please keep a copy of all submitted materials for your records.
You must submit your request online or via mail by the postmark date noted on your official rebate form.
To be eligible for the rebate, you must purchase a qualifying product(s) from a valid U.S. retailer between the promotion dates listed on the official rebate form.
All information needed to complete your request is listed below as well as on the official rebate form.
  1. Completed rebate form or submission form online or via mail
  2. Legible copy of your dated sales receipt, it must include:
    1. Date of purchase
    2. Product(s) purchased
    3. Purchase price
    4. Retailer name
    5. If submitting for an installation offer your receipt(s) must include the installation charge
Customers are eligible for one rebate per household during the promotional period. Our rebate offers also have a limit of one model per appliance type. Requests from groups or organizations will not be honored.
Please reference your official rebate form, as some of our rebate offers cannot be combined with any other rebate offers. Please, reference your official rebate form for complete details.
Some offers are only valid with select retailers; please refer back to the official rebate form for a list of qualified retailers.
For all instore purchases a Special Services Customer Invoice (SSCI) is received and is required to be submitted with your rebate request. The SSCI includes: invoice number, products purchased (The Home Depot SKU’s & Bosch Model Numbers), quantity of each product purchased & product purchase price(s).
Each rebate offer can vary on the number of valid products that are required to be eligible for the offer. This information can be located at the top of the official rebate form.
Our rebate offers are product / model specific. If the rebate form you received does not have your product / model listed it may not be eligible for a rebate. If your product / model is not listed on the official rebate form it will not be honored.
No. In order for the rebates to be processed correctly each must be mailed individually.
Requests mailed after the last eligible postmark date will not be honored. Our rebate offers have specific requirements that must be met in order to be eligible.
You can check the status of your submission at any time within the “Rebate Status” section of this website.
It may be that your submission is still being processed. Please note that it may take up to 2 weeks to view your rebate when you submit online and up to 4 weeks when you submit through the mail.